• 6686体育

    Build one-stop power service

    Active operation and maintenance, refined management, and unlimited value-added services

    Energy efficiency management

    Energy planning audit 

    Energy consumption benchmarking

    Energy efficiency improvement

    Energy customized report, bill 

    In-depth analysis of energy consumption, 

    Optimize energy saving

    Electrical asset management

    Multi-dimensional query and asset report 

    mobiles terminal APP+and webpage

    Quick access to cabinet QR code

    Electrical asset configuration information display

    Aging evalsuation and analysis of circuit breaker

    Power quality monitoring

    Monitoring and analysis of power quality

    Harmonic analysis system diagnosis

    Real-time monitoring of power grid

    Disturbance analysis and judgment

    Operation and maintenance management

    Quick fault diagnosis and recovery guidance

    System protection selectivity analysis

    Precision preventive maintenance guidance and plan

    Real-time monitoring of operating temperature

    Protection setting is optimized as required

    Intelligent patrol inspection related to people, things and things

    Provide customers with more secure, stable and intelligent solutions